Stitchback AS35 - Sewing Pattern

Stitchback AS35 - Sewing Pattern


At Stitchback we believe that the best outdoor gear is the gear you make yourself.

Our CAD drafted sewing patterns can give you a jump-start on your next myog project. Build the pattern as is, or use it as a launching point and customize it to fit your needs. This listing is for a digital download of a PDF file that includes a full size pattern and instructions. The pattern is formatted to be printed on 8.5x11" paper.

*Note: this listing also includes a PDF of the pattern on 36"x48" pages for those who wish to print the pattern on a large format printer.


Suitable for those confident in their sewing skills. Although this pack has been designed with simplicity in mind, it is still a relatively complex project, good for those with some sewing experience.


The Stitchback Alpine Start 35, or "AS35" is the first in our series of alpine style packs. With a capacity of approximately 35 liters, it is a good option for gear intensive day trips or minimalist overnighters. A trim, tapered profile, and climbing specific features make it well suited for all types of alpine pursuits.

Although the Stitchback AS35 could be used as a frameless pack, it features both a supportive hipbelt and load lifter straps, making it best used with some kind of frame sheet. This could be a simple piece of foam, or a plastic frame sheet, and the pattern includes instructions for both.

The pattern includes instructions for a sewn in, 1-1/2" webbing belt, as well as a narrow padded hipbelt which can be removed to save weight. It also includes options for men's and women's specific shoulder straps, with instructions on how to customize the fit, and torso length. (shoulder straps can be positioned up to 22" from the bottom of the pack.)

The pack as shown in the photos, weighs 33 oz. without a frame sheet. The final weight of the pack depends largely on the types of fabrics and frame sheet used, so this weight is given as a reference only.


- Four side compression straps, and a top rope strap

- Bungee lashing system can secure crampons, shovels, or ice tools

- Removable ice axe / trekking pole loops and retainers

- Internal sleeve for frame sheet also holds hydration bladder

- Hydration tube port

- Lumbar pad

- Pattern for plastic and/or foam frame sheet

- Pattern for men's and women's recurved shoulder straps

- Sewn-in 1-1/2" webbing belt with removable padded hipbelt

- Padded hipbelt with optional climbing gear loops

- Drawstring style main closure

- Removable floating lid with zippered pocket on bottom

- Optional bungee cord loops on top of lid

- Dimensions: approximately 10.5"w X 8"d X 27"t

This pattern contains the intellectual property of Stitchback DIY Trail Gear, and is protected by copyright. It may not be distributed, copied or reproduced without express written consent. See our Pattern Use Policy here.

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Customers from outside the USA, you can purchase any of our patterns from our Etsy site. Currently this website is not set up for international sales. Thank you!

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