Stitchback TSA2 - Sewing Pattern

Stitchback TSA2 - Sewing Pattern


At Stitchback we believe that the best outdoor gear is the gear you make yourself.

Our CAD drafted sewing patterns can give you a jump-start on your next myog project. Build the pattern as is, or use it as a launching point and customize it to fit your needs. This listing is for a digital download of a PDF file that includes a full size pattern and instructions. The pattern is formatted to be printed on 8.5x11" paper.

*Note: This is a large project that includes 31 pages of pattern and 42 pages of instructions. We recommend printing only the pattern pages. This listing also includes the pattern on (2) 36"x48" pages for those who wish to print the pattern on a large format printer.


This project involves many parts, multiple steps and includes several zippered pockets, making it suitable for those confident in their sewing skills.


The Stitchback TSA2 is a backpack designed specifically for travel. The size meets most airlines requirements for "Carry on" luggage, meaning it can fit in an airplanes overhead compartment. (See dimensions below. Some airlines may have different requirements.)

The backpack has shoulder straps that can be tucked away behind the back panel, to make stowing as luggage easier. An unpadded, fabric hipbelt can also be tucked behind the back panel when not in use. The backpack has a side handle in addition to the typical haul loop, allowing it to be carried as a suitcase if desired.

The backpacks main compartment features a wrap around zipper with an organizer panel and zip pockets on the inside of the main flap. It also features a slim front pocket great for stashing a jacket, as well as a small zippered pocket on top of the pack which works well for holding boarding passes or tickets. An expandable water bottle pocket holds bottles up to liter size, and folds flat when not needed. There are also attachment points for an optional interior laptop sleeve. (Pattern available separately.)


- Large zippered main compartment

- Interior zippered pockets with organizer panel

- Slim front pocket

- Padded unisex shoulder straps can stow away behind pack panel

- Unpadded fabric hipbelt can tuck behind back panel

- Hide-a-way water bottle pocket, folds flat when not needed

- Attachment points for optional laptop sleeve

- Internal sleeve holds a foam frame sheet

- Side carry handle

- Approximate dimensions: 22"x13-1/2"x9"

- Approximate volume: 40 liters

This pattern contains the intellectual property of Stitchback DIY Trail Gear, and is protected by copyright. It may not be distributed, copied or reproduced without express written consent. See our Pattern Use Policy here.

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Customers from outside the USA, you can purchase any of our patterns from our Etsy site. Currently this website is not set up for international sales. Thank you!

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