Stitchback LP - Sewing Pattern
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Stitchback LP - Sewing Pattern
At Stitchback we believe that the best outdoor gear is the gear you make yourself.
Our CAD drafted sewing patterns can give you a jump-start on your next myog project. Build the pattern as is, or use it as a launching point and customize it to fit your needs. This listing is for a digital download of a PDF file that includes a full size pattern and instructions. The pattern is formatted to be printed on 8.5x11" paper.
*Note: this listing also includes a PDF of the pattern on 36"x48" pages for those who wish to print the pattern on a large format printer.
Suitable for those confident in their sewings skills, who already have some experience making their own gear.
The Stitchback Lumbar Pack or "LP" shares some of the DNA of our popular ZT backpack. A zip-top lid offers quick access to the main compartment and features a slash pocket underneath for small items. Side bottle pockets accommodate liter water bottles. A volume of approximately 7 liters makes it suitable for day hiking or biking. It includes a padded hipbelt and shoulder strap.
- Zippered main compartment
- Large side pockets accommodate liter water bottles
- Bottom compression straps
- Slash pocket underneath top flap
- Stabilizer straps reduce bouncing
- Internal sleeve for foam back panel
- Removable padded shoulder strap
DIMENSIONS: 10"h x 10"w x 7"d
This pattern contains the intellectual property of Stitchback DIY Trail Gear, and is protected by copyright. It may not be distributed, copied or reproduced without express written consent. See our Pattern Use Policy here.
Customers from outside the USA, you can purchase any of our patterns from our Etsy site. Currently this website is not set up for international sales. Thank you!